Wednesday, August 6, 2008

But why are they like this???

The majority of the homeless are unemployed or have lost jobs and weren't able to find another one.  In addition, many suffer from drug and alcohol addictions that make saving money or breaking the habit almost impossible.  This hinders their ability to find jobs, housing, or the means to help themselves.  Helping out in soup kitchens, donating food and clothing, and providing more beds in the shelters would certainly help the already homeless in Gainesville, but to really tackle the problem, we need to take steps to reduce homelessness before it ever begins.  By offering more affordable housing, helping with mental illness, and educating on domestic abuse, Gainesville's risk population will be able to help themselves before they become desperate and without a home or money.  If we do nothing, the homeless population will continue to grow, and may deter people from choosing Gainesville as a great place to visit or live.

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