Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Poverty isn't the only cause!

Other causes include domestic abuse and mental illness.  "About half of all homeless women are fleeing an abusive relationship, according to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence.  When 100 homeless mothers were surveyed in 2003, one quarter said they had been physically abused within the past year"  (Watson).  "When a woman leaves an abusive relationship, she often has nowhere to go.  This is particularly true of women with few resources.  Lack of affordable housing and long waiting lists for assisted housing mean that many women and their children are forced to choose between abusive at home or life on the streets" (Domestic Violence and Homelessness).  By leaving, the woman is walking out on a house she may have helped pay for, or may be unemployed.  Her children need to be fed and so all of them need support.  Because the shelters may be too full, these women and children have no where to go.  The children may resort to abuse as well in the future, or continue the life as a vagabond because that is all they know.  With thee increase in battered women's shelters, these people will have a place to go for support.  They can get psychological help, as well as help to get back on their feet.  As aforementioned, an increase in affordable housing would hasten the process.  With the help of the community, volunteers could help in a shelter.  Since Gainesville has a large university, college students are always open to help and make a difference.  By recruiting volunteers from various organizations such as fraternities, sororities, and clubs, there would be a fair amount of help.  The shelter could be run out of a health department, or possibly its own building.  There could also be a sector in the health department that deals with mental illness.

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